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Friday 19 December 2014

News Views

It has been over seven years since my 1st publication of a blog. A lot has changed and is still changing. For me personally and the world at large it seems. My Nan who was my only parent growing up died this week, it was my full time job to take care of her, which I had been doing for over five years. I have had two daughters since writing about Make Poverty History.
I am not the same person I was back then. I was a lot more idealistic, and open. Life ground me down so much that I couldn't bare to share any more of myself with the world. It seemed as though people would take all you can give and still want more.
I had lost so much of myself already that I couldn't bare to leave myself vulnerable by being close to anyone. I am trying to break out of this restrictive mind set. One breath at a time.
I see the events transpiring in the news this week. The Dali Lama saying how he may be the last, in itself marks a huge time of change. The prospect of her majesty Queen Elizabeth II abdicating in her Christmas speech. Their could be a King on the British throne for the 1st time since 1953. It's such a major paradigm shift which may result in a massive boast to the economy. If royal wedding made us so much money, imagine how much coronation a new King would bring in.
On the opposite end of the scale. Their has been the massacre in Peshawar Pakistan such a terrible event. Condemnable by all. Finally something everyone can agree upon, it's sad that it has to be something so awful. Why is it that we are only ever united though our common grief and suffering? Look at all of the school shootings. From Dunblane in 1996, to Belsen in 2004 or more recently Sandy Hook in 2012. Not to mention all the other slew of statistics from a broad range of countries. The 43 students going missing in Mexico, and the Boko Haram abduction of 200 people.
There are more wars being fought on so many different fronts. Israel/Palestine, the conflict in Syria. The world politically is very volatile. With the riots and pro democracy demonstrations in China, and the the civil war in Ukraine. The war with ISIS, the war on terror lead by USA.
I think Ukraine in particular is essentially the modern day Franz Ferdinand (the Archduke not the band). Whose death sparked the start of World War I.
We are now locked into another cold war with Russia. International tensions have never been higher. You look on this map here at the Human Rights Risks. If you are lucky enough to live in one of the green patches. You are in the fortunate minority. Whilst the majority suffers injustice and despair. Something needs to change before we annihilate each other.

Their seems to be such stupid bickering between nations. Russia banning comerical advertisements on media content sourced outside Russia. Then you have North Korea in a “Cyber War” with the USA over the release of a satirical film. Have Seth Rogan and James Franco gone too far? Personally I don't think so. Do you think Charlie Chaplin went to far with his parody of Hitler in The Great Dictator 1940. I Think the real Hitler would have used cyber attacks to stop release of the movie if he could have. Much the same way Kim Jong Un may have if the North Korean state are behind the attack on Sony.
The thing I do find amusing is that groups like ISIS can post videos of them killing innocent people and nothing is really done, but someone threatens the USA film industry and everyone panics. Stopping the release of a major motion picture. Distorting the concept of free speech. If it is not okay to make fun of someone or something because it cause offence to a minority, the comedy as we know it will die. Their shouldn't be any limitations on what is or isn't funny. That is down to each individual. We could all use a little bit more joy and laughter. Especially with the state of the world. Laugh whilst you still can.

George Clooney's petition and dateline interview, was quite informating reading. I have attatched link to the full interview at below.

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