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Friday 11 September 2015

Lions and Tigers, Who Cares and Why?

Over the past few days I have noticed much controversy surrounding An Evening With Lions and Tigers with trainer Thomas Chipperfield on in Cardigan, Ceredigion Mid-Wales.
I am not an animal expert nor do I claim to be. I have not been to the show so cannot comment first hand to the treatment and well-being of the animals. That being said, looking at the petition for local MP Mark Williams to oppose the show is full of generalizations. It's gained over 2,700 signatures in two days. Many of the signatures are not from members of Mr Williams constituency, many of them are not even located in this country or continent.
Signatures coming from cities across the United States, Canada, Japan and all over the world. None of these people have any first hand experience with the trainer or the animals in question.

nazli siddiqui SAN ANTONIO, TX

This is barbaric.

明 百井 愛媛県, JAPAN

Cynthia Sandoval SANTA FE, NM

Disgusting! I hate circuses but love the poor animals! They arent yours to enslave! How dare you keep them from their natural habitat, from being free! They for damn sure dont belong in a cage!
Valerie Quan DANVILLE, CA

I'm signing to protect wild animals from human abuse.
Monique Carlens LANAKEN, BELGIUM

Lion's are only beautiful to see in the wild, were they belong!
Teresa Campbell LAS CRUCES, NM

This is a travesty against these animals! It should be titled "An Evening with an Animal Abuser Who Makes Money Off of Animal Suffering"!

The people running this show have had so much abuse. I find it hard to observe and not interject with my opinion. I have seen one person comment via Aberystwyth Swap Shop that they had seen the film BLACKFISH which disgusted them towards all animals in parks and exhibitions. What does Blackfish and Seaworld Florida, USA have to do with Lions and Tigers here in Wales. It's generalizations like this which lead to misinformation and ignorant, intolerant attitudes.
There seems to be a sweeping generalization where all animals should be treated the same. When every animal just like every person is different. Individual circumstance needs to be addressed before speculation has people worked into a needless frenzy.
On 19th august 2015 the Cambrian News published a story about two lions from Noah's Ark Zoo, Bristol being relocated to the Animalarium, Borth. There was no outrage then. No protest or petition. What is the difference between Zulu and Wilma (Borth Lions) and Assegai and Tsavo (Mr Chipperfield's Lions) I am sure that in both cases all the animals are well looked after. They are both businesses which adhere to relevant government regulation.
Yet from my perspective the local MP has been bullied into interfering in a private citizens livelihood, which I don't think is right. The petition claims that animal rights activist group Animal Defenders International (ADI) has documented the Chipperfield big cats exhibiting abnormal repetitive behaviour which indicates how their welfare is being compromised by their inadequate environment. Where is this documented, where is the proof to go alongside these claims?
Then Marc Abraham (possibly the ITV vet? Is referenced) describing it as "a sure sign their welfare is severely compromised".
I have contacted Mr Abraham for comment but have not heard back from him yet.
I love animals, I have rescued cats, dogs and injured birds over the years. It's the relentless militant animal rights activists that I find difficult to relate to. Where they force their agenda on other people which I think is fundamentally wrong. You can't go around hurling abuse at someone else then claim to have the moral high ground.
I myself refuse to use a Smart Phone. After watching the Documentary Blood Coltan which exposed me to the realities of conflict minerals. I don't go protesting outside Carphone Warehouse, or belittle people who buy all the apple products. I can't change the world, I can't change how people think or act. It's not mine or anyone else’s responsibility to do so. I can't change the system, but I don't have to take part in it. By not participating, at least I am not part of the problem effecting the poor people of the Congo. I wonder how many of the 2,700 people who signed the petition have done so on their smart phones. In which case they are part of the larger problem which is not only effecting people but landscapes in the Congo, which in turn effects the indigenous wild life of the region.
Is it my place to tell all these people how wrong and misguided they are by buying these status symbols. No. Just like it is not the place of animal rights activists to force their views down the throats of others. 

When Mr Chipperfield had a show booked in Wrexham July 2015 a petition was raised and signed by 54,197 people, resulting in the following show in Hereford being cancelled. Now this next petition for the show in Cardigan. At what point does the activism encroach upon Mr Chippperfield's human rights. Particularly regarding Protection From Discrimination. The man is criticized and vilified by strangers that don't even know him. How can anyone be so quick to condemn someone they have never met before?
I think activism is great, but I think in this respect the energy is misplaced. Instead of focusing on individuals like Mr Chipperfield, petitions should be raised to debate new legislation. At present animals are legally defined as personal property. That may not be morally right but it is the current legal standing. If laws were adapted to include living property then Animals could have more rights.

Early day motion 192


a ban on the use of wild animals in circuses was included in the manifestos of the Conservative, Labour and Green parties at the recent general election, showing the unified support across the House on this animal protection issue; recalls that 94 per cent of respondents to a Defra public consultation supported a ban and the House of Commons voted unanimously in favour of such a ban in 2011; further notes that currently two circuses with fewer than 20 wild animals are touring England and Wales; notes that a deadline of December 2015 was included in the Government's draft Wild Animals in Circuses Bill; notes that the UK has fallen behind 31 countries which have introduced similar national measures; notes the work of Animal Defenders International highlighting circus suffering in the UK and currently assisting the Peruvian government to enforce a ban; and calls on the Government to bring forward this manifesto commitment at the earliest opportunity (source )

Signed by 67 Members of parliament. One MP is quoted as saying how great it is that this act has gained so much cross party support. Of course something like this is assured to gain cross party support. No one wants to see animals being hurt. It's like passing a law to protect children. Of course everyone will support it. To do otherwise would have you portrayed as a monster in the media. 

Blood Coltan

The mobile (cell) phone is a remarkable piece of engineering. But look inside. There's blood in this machine. There's blood in this device because your mobile contains tiny electronic circuits, and they couldn't work without mineral called COLTAN. It's mined in the eastern Congo. There is blood here, the blood of Congolese who are dying in a terrible conflict.

The West's demand for Coltan, used in mobile phones and computers, is funding the killings in Congo. Under the close watch of rebel militias, children as young as ten work the mines hunting for this black gold. 'Blood Coltan' exposes the web of powerful interests protecting this blood trade. Meet the powerful warlords who enslave local population and the European businessmen who continue importing Coltan, in defiance of the UN.

Year : 2007 / Duration : 52 min / Production : Tac Presse / Director : Patrick Forestier

Reference Material

Monday 13 April 2015

Ceredigion Election

#autism + politics

As someone recently diagnosed as being on the autistic spectrum scale, I find it difficult to not only communicate or articulate my thoughts to the outside world, but to understand other peoples words or actions as well.
The bitter events which have transpired over the past few days have left a very sour taste in my mouth.

This local election in Ceredigion has seen some underhanded tactics to secure potential votes. I was singled out on twitter having my tweets screen shot and reposted labelling me with having a a “shameful attitude” towards child abuse.
I was disgusted at this remark. Having personal experience of the matter. I will no longer be ashamed of my past. My “shameful attitude” was due to me not knowing who a political paedophile was even though they were active both politically and otherwise before I was born.
I admitted my ignorance on the matter. I tried to explain my point of view, where by the constant dragging up of historic cases can pose significant danger to vulnerable people.
In the post Saville age, where historic cases dominate the media, it's hard for many people to cope.
It has been positive for a lot of individuals, myself included. But I worry for the people who don't have the strength to open up about their experiences. The people who have repressed the traumatic events for so long, being constantly reminded of their emotional turmoil as it's bombarded at them on a daily basis through TV, newspapers, and social networks.
To have this stuff dragged up for political agenda is not okay. I opened up publicly, after hearing my response, the person who did this apologised. Then blocked me before giving me opportunity to accept their apology. For me with my autism, blocking on twitter is a bit of a “trigger” issue for me. Each tweet is designed to communicate with an open world. Unless your tweets are set to private. To single someone out and block them is pointless, as you can simply view on any alternate account. Twitter is designed to be a public forum. I was just going to accept their apology and ask them to remove the tweet labelling me as having shameful attitude towards child abuse. But they blocked me. So I snapped, went way over the top. Had their twitter account flooded with the same tweet. All from separate accounts, demonstrating how redundant blocking on twitter really is. I couldn't understand why someone would apologize and than block me.
Mike Parker the Plaid candidate follows this account on twitter. He has 2406 followers and follows 1206 people. I sent him a facebook msg last night which was read then marked as unread. 

If Mike Parker is to win the election and become my local representative, then I would be one of his constituents. I have trouble trying to express myself, twitter can compound the issue with the short character limitation.
After the election, if Mike Parker wins, will he continue to ignore his constituents, like myself because he doesn’t like or understand them. 1 out of every 100 people have a form of autism and have difficulties in social situations. Causing varying degrees of anxiety. When people hear of the 1% they think of bankers, people with money, the rich and privileged. But when you consider that figure of autism, 1 in every 100. That is the 1% that gets forgotten about.

Is the following still Plaid's position on autism as this was published 3 years ago and I know from personal experience that accessing support services in the local area is almost impossible. It took about 2 years if not more to get my formal diagnosis though, and that was only done with the epic support of Mark Williams and his staff.
On Autism Awareness Day (2nd of April 2012), Plaid Cymru has reiterated its commitment to supporting people with autism. Around one in every hundred people has autism in Wales, and this often misunderstood condition can hinder access to support.
Plaid Cymru’s Health spokesperson Elin Jones said:
Autism affects hundreds of people in Wales. Often it is misunderstood, undiagnosed, and can leave those with the condition and their loved ones struggling to cope. When Plaid Cymru was in government, we implemented a number of initiatives to support those who have the condition such as establishing a support website, raising awareness and training for advocacy personnel, and support targeted at adults who have autism.
Plaid Cymru believes that while early diagnosis and early intervention are hugely important, much can be done to support children and adults who have autism such as supporting them into employment and tackling discrimination. We will continue to call on governments at all level to help those with autism harness their talents and skills and be full members of society.

I am utterly shocked and dismayed at the cavalier attitudes of __________ and company. For example this back and forth relating to someone with PTSD. Someone using the name Dilys Davies using dangerous terminology and raising doubts as to whether the person suffers from PTSD. As she has treated many people for PTSD in her carer. I would be interested to know what her job title actually is. To be such an expert that she could diagnose/assess people via twitter. PTSD is a complex condition that affects people in varying ways. Just like all mental health conditions. Using the term TROLL can be dangerous. For prime example: A woman who "trolled" Madeleine McCann's family on Twitter killed herself days after she was challenged by reporters, an inquest concluded.
Brenda Leyland, 63, from Leicestershire, was found dead after she was confronted by Martin Brunt from Sky News over the abuse.
Perceptions on social media have contributed to a number of suicides, self harm. Because people aren't mindful of what they are saying, but most importantly whom they are saying it too. There is such a rancid stigma when it comes to mental health issues,

The BBC Panorama Special Suicide in the family was a huge wake up call. 24% of deaths for men aged 18-24 is suicide. That is almost 1 in 4 children who will grow up to end their own lives. In men over 40 suicide is a bigger killer then cancer. I have read the Plaid manifesto with only 2 little burbs on Mental Health on page 19. this is a far bigger issue and needs much more attention. Mental Health does not discriminate between, class, race, religion or political affiliation, and can effect anyone at any time for any number of reasons. ___________ and co complain about people not being genuine and open on twitter, yet hide their own names and faces. That makes them hypocrites and cowards, and I will expose this hypocrisy at every turn

My Reply From Mike Parker whom is perfectly reasonable. Hopes that we can both resolve it. Start by being much more mindful of mental health issues.
  • Mike Parker

    Hi Jamie, thanks for your message. I'm really sorry for all that's happened, it sounds like you are a really strong person to be getting through all that has happened. As for the twitter blocking, I agree that it sounds as though a misunderstanding has gone on, I hope you both can resolve it. And yes, post election, whoever wins, let's hope that they get on with the job and get to making this country a fairer place to live. Thanks again, and all the best.
  • Jamie Matthew Dearden
    Jamie Matthew Dearden

    No worries, cheers for getting back to me. Yes it was a misunderstanding that blew out of portion. People who think they can say what ever they like behind a veil of anonymity on social networks. People who are to scared to put their own name and face behind their opinions. This person spouted political rhetoric assuming they were beyond reproach. It's incidents like this and the scandal you experienced yourself last week which puts people off getting involved in politics. Only 65.1% of people turned out to vote in the last election, that still leaves over 1/3 of population who don't care or are uninterested. I wanted to go an volunteer in the election this week, as after my Nan died, I was suddenly out of a job with no qualifications or references. I wanted to get some fresh work experience and push myself out of my comfort zone to socialize with people. Build my confidence back up, so I can re-enter the working world. But because of all this, the child abuse thing, my autistic public rant/meltdown, I felt I would just upset or disrupt things so have just shied away. I am very worried about mental health services in the local area, not only for myself but for all vulnerable people. If their are 75,900 people in Ceredigion, and 1 out of every 100 has autism then their are roughly 759 people in Ceredigion who are on the autistic spectrum scale. These are people that need adequate support services put in place. Also with suicides being such a problem, stats for young man soar so high you would be forgiven for mistaking it for a pandemic. 24% of deaths in men aged 18-24 is suicide, that’s almost 1 in every 4 young boys who will grow up to end their lives tragically young, unless something can be done to change it. Worryingly according to an Oncologist the biggest killer of men his age is suicide not cancer. If suicide is claiming and effecting this many lives, shouldn't more be done to combat it. I would love to know what plans Plaid have to improve services in the area. I know from expierence that Ceredigion is a problem zone for accessing any kind of mental health support services.