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Friday 11 September 2015

Lions and Tigers, Who Cares and Why?

Over the past few days I have noticed much controversy surrounding An Evening With Lions and Tigers with trainer Thomas Chipperfield on in Cardigan, Ceredigion Mid-Wales.
I am not an animal expert nor do I claim to be. I have not been to the show so cannot comment first hand to the treatment and well-being of the animals. That being said, looking at the petition for local MP Mark Williams to oppose the show is full of generalizations. It's gained over 2,700 signatures in two days. Many of the signatures are not from members of Mr Williams constituency, many of them are not even located in this country or continent.
Signatures coming from cities across the United States, Canada, Japan and all over the world. None of these people have any first hand experience with the trainer or the animals in question.

nazli siddiqui SAN ANTONIO, TX

This is barbaric.

明 百井 愛媛県, JAPAN

Cynthia Sandoval SANTA FE, NM

Disgusting! I hate circuses but love the poor animals! They arent yours to enslave! How dare you keep them from their natural habitat, from being free! They for damn sure dont belong in a cage!
Valerie Quan DANVILLE, CA

I'm signing to protect wild animals from human abuse.
Monique Carlens LANAKEN, BELGIUM

Lion's are only beautiful to see in the wild, were they belong!
Teresa Campbell LAS CRUCES, NM

This is a travesty against these animals! It should be titled "An Evening with an Animal Abuser Who Makes Money Off of Animal Suffering"!

The people running this show have had so much abuse. I find it hard to observe and not interject with my opinion. I have seen one person comment via Aberystwyth Swap Shop that they had seen the film BLACKFISH which disgusted them towards all animals in parks and exhibitions. What does Blackfish and Seaworld Florida, USA have to do with Lions and Tigers here in Wales. It's generalizations like this which lead to misinformation and ignorant, intolerant attitudes.
There seems to be a sweeping generalization where all animals should be treated the same. When every animal just like every person is different. Individual circumstance needs to be addressed before speculation has people worked into a needless frenzy.
On 19th august 2015 the Cambrian News published a story about two lions from Noah's Ark Zoo, Bristol being relocated to the Animalarium, Borth. There was no outrage then. No protest or petition. What is the difference between Zulu and Wilma (Borth Lions) and Assegai and Tsavo (Mr Chipperfield's Lions) I am sure that in both cases all the animals are well looked after. They are both businesses which adhere to relevant government regulation.
Yet from my perspective the local MP has been bullied into interfering in a private citizens livelihood, which I don't think is right. The petition claims that animal rights activist group Animal Defenders International (ADI) has documented the Chipperfield big cats exhibiting abnormal repetitive behaviour which indicates how their welfare is being compromised by their inadequate environment. Where is this documented, where is the proof to go alongside these claims?
Then Marc Abraham (possibly the ITV vet? Is referenced) describing it as "a sure sign their welfare is severely compromised".
I have contacted Mr Abraham for comment but have not heard back from him yet.
I love animals, I have rescued cats, dogs and injured birds over the years. It's the relentless militant animal rights activists that I find difficult to relate to. Where they force their agenda on other people which I think is fundamentally wrong. You can't go around hurling abuse at someone else then claim to have the moral high ground.
I myself refuse to use a Smart Phone. After watching the Documentary Blood Coltan which exposed me to the realities of conflict minerals. I don't go protesting outside Carphone Warehouse, or belittle people who buy all the apple products. I can't change the world, I can't change how people think or act. It's not mine or anyone else’s responsibility to do so. I can't change the system, but I don't have to take part in it. By not participating, at least I am not part of the problem effecting the poor people of the Congo. I wonder how many of the 2,700 people who signed the petition have done so on their smart phones. In which case they are part of the larger problem which is not only effecting people but landscapes in the Congo, which in turn effects the indigenous wild life of the region.
Is it my place to tell all these people how wrong and misguided they are by buying these status symbols. No. Just like it is not the place of animal rights activists to force their views down the throats of others. 

When Mr Chipperfield had a show booked in Wrexham July 2015 a petition was raised and signed by 54,197 people, resulting in the following show in Hereford being cancelled. Now this next petition for the show in Cardigan. At what point does the activism encroach upon Mr Chippperfield's human rights. Particularly regarding Protection From Discrimination. The man is criticized and vilified by strangers that don't even know him. How can anyone be so quick to condemn someone they have never met before?
I think activism is great, but I think in this respect the energy is misplaced. Instead of focusing on individuals like Mr Chipperfield, petitions should be raised to debate new legislation. At present animals are legally defined as personal property. That may not be morally right but it is the current legal standing. If laws were adapted to include living property then Animals could have more rights.

Early day motion 192


a ban on the use of wild animals in circuses was included in the manifestos of the Conservative, Labour and Green parties at the recent general election, showing the unified support across the House on this animal protection issue; recalls that 94 per cent of respondents to a Defra public consultation supported a ban and the House of Commons voted unanimously in favour of such a ban in 2011; further notes that currently two circuses with fewer than 20 wild animals are touring England and Wales; notes that a deadline of December 2015 was included in the Government's draft Wild Animals in Circuses Bill; notes that the UK has fallen behind 31 countries which have introduced similar national measures; notes the work of Animal Defenders International highlighting circus suffering in the UK and currently assisting the Peruvian government to enforce a ban; and calls on the Government to bring forward this manifesto commitment at the earliest opportunity (source )

Signed by 67 Members of parliament. One MP is quoted as saying how great it is that this act has gained so much cross party support. Of course something like this is assured to gain cross party support. No one wants to see animals being hurt. It's like passing a law to protect children. Of course everyone will support it. To do otherwise would have you portrayed as a monster in the media. 

Blood Coltan

The mobile (cell) phone is a remarkable piece of engineering. But look inside. There's blood in this machine. There's blood in this device because your mobile contains tiny electronic circuits, and they couldn't work without mineral called COLTAN. It's mined in the eastern Congo. There is blood here, the blood of Congolese who are dying in a terrible conflict.

The West's demand for Coltan, used in mobile phones and computers, is funding the killings in Congo. Under the close watch of rebel militias, children as young as ten work the mines hunting for this black gold. 'Blood Coltan' exposes the web of powerful interests protecting this blood trade. Meet the powerful warlords who enslave local population and the European businessmen who continue importing Coltan, in defiance of the UN.

Year : 2007 / Duration : 52 min / Production : Tac Presse / Director : Patrick Forestier

Reference Material

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